Circolo de luz e amor

In the time of covid we were not allowed to gather. Official religions however had every right to have mutual prayers in the name of God. This made us realise that what we do is a religion. We gather together to search the divine, to find the silent part in ourselves that listens to the mysterious, the unknown. To celebrate God, Great spirit, Brahma or what ever name we give the it. On November 25 2020 Atten and Atmani founded Circulo de luz e amor, the Circle of light and love. A contemporary religion based on ancestral knowledge.

My Religion

I am an inseparable part of a greater whole.
I am here on Earth to develop myself.
I am here on Earth to celebrate life.
I take responsibility for my life.
I live from a place of trust.
I sing to pray.
I meditate to clear my mind.
I explore my connection with the greater whole.
I dance to celebrate life.

My Prayer

I experience that I am consciousness.
I radiate light and love to the world around me.
I am here to develop myself.
I can share my abundance with others.
I experience that I am part of nature.
I experience that I am in harmony with the greater whole.
I use my creativity, intelligence, and intuition to live a meaningful life.
I celebrate life.
I trust.
On these days, when the earth, the moon and the stars line up in a certain way, I give special attention to my relationship with the greater whole:

  • The winter solstice as the birth of the new year.
  • On December 24th, as the sun sets, the 12 holy nights begin.
  • On January 6th, I share my experiences of the 12 nights.
  • On February 2nd, I celebrate the beginning of spring.
  • Around March 21st, the spring equinox.
  • The first full moon after the spring equinox is Ostara.
  • 40 days later is the Dew festival.
  • 10 days later is Pentecost.
  • Summer solstice around June 21st.
  • July 25th is the Maya Day out of Time.
  • July 26th marks the New Maya Year.
  • August 2nd is the beginning of autumn.
  • Around September 21st, the autumn equinox.
  • October 31st, the Day of the Dead, the start of the Week of the Ancestors.
  • November 1st, the beginning of winter.
  • My birthday.